Casting Roles in Music Videos for a New MTV Show



mtv-casting-callsDo you like to sing to the tune of your favorite singer while in the shower? It’s time that you show the world your hidden talent by submitting a video of you lip-singing, raving, or playing a guitar solo just like your favorite pop star.

If you are interested you should click here, and enter details about yourself and the artist’s video that you want to remake. Once you are done, you should produce, shoot, and edit within 2 weeks of submitting an application, and again visit the MTV Swede website to upload your final video.

MTV has been known in the past for its world premiere music videos.  Nowadays, MTV airs mostly reality TV and original shows, but this show airs as an ode to those artistic music videos that we used to see more frequently.


Performance Type: Fan made videos for an upcoming Music show.

Required: Lip-sync or air-guitar favorite artist.


Filming Date: Between September 21st to November 7th.

Venue: L.A., CA; Dallas, TX and Chicago, IL.

Role 1

  • Required Ethnicity: Female
  • Hair: Dark Brown
  • Height: 5’3
  • Required Size: 0–2
  • Submission Title in Subject line: K STAND-IN

Role 2

  • Required Ethnicity: Female Caucasian
  • Hair: Brown
  • Height: 5’4
  • Required Size: 0–2
  • Submission Title in Subject line: N STAND-IN

Role 3

  • Required Ethnicity: Female Caucasian
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Height: 5’6
  • Required Color: any
  • Required Size: 2–4
  • Submission Title in Subject line: H STAND-IN

To submit for the roles, follow the given instructions.

  1. Mention your specific role in the subject line of email.
  2. Attach at least two recent photos including one close-up and one full frame.
  3. Mention your name, age, address, phone number, age, height, weight, size, and experience details in the email body.

  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 2 MB.