The casting team with MTV is on a Nationwide search for young adults with extremely MESSY rooms. Young Adults wishing to be considered for a chance to be featured on the Show send in a photo of your extremely filthy living place to the casting team.
To be considered for the new MTV Show, please read the casting call provided below:
We are searching the U.S. for 18-27 year olds who live in extremely dirty or messy rooms!
– Is your room full of junk, clutter, clothes and filth?
– Does your roommate, partner or parent think you live like a slob?
– Are you a parent who nags your child to clean up their room?
This is your chance to receive a room makeover!
Please send an email with your name, location, contact number and who you are nominating and why with a recent photo to rooms@rdftelevision.com
My roommate is the laziest, dirtiest, nastiest person I’ve ever lived with. You need to expose his grossness and his moldy-ass furniture. As well his 4 cats who may or may not be alive.
My names Kelly and Im 18 years old. My room is so far beyond messy. My parents are on me everyday telling me i need to clean my room. Even when I do clean it its still not even close to “clean”. And the “clean” only lasts until the next night. Its hard to invite people over when you can’t see the floor. Early this year I actually tripped over my mess and sprained my wrist. Funny right? Yeah my friends and family sure think so.
Hi my name is Cassie. And ive been dying to get on teen wolf and I now realized this is for 18 and up but im 14 but some people say I look 16. but anyways my room is so messy I have a pathway to my bed and I don’t have much acting experience but ive been in 4 plays but anyways heres my email
Hi my name is Cassie Ive realized this was for 18 and up. If you have any role for a 14 year old well I would love to play it! Yes, I am 14 years old but many people say I look 15 or 16. I am loving the MTv’s shows and would love to play in any of them. If I had to choose one it would be Teen Wolf. I know alot about Teen Wolf and would love to play a role in it. I do have experience in acting. In fact for my first audition I got excepted but couldn’t make it to the second audition meeting. I love acting and will try to make my dream come true! Ive always wanted to be in a show. and also I love acting and teen wolf. and I have a really messy room I have a pathway to my bed and heres my email
Hi I just want to say my room is a mess but I’m not embarrassed to say it I love my room and I hate when my mom try to organized my room I don’t know I think is a problem that I have
I’m older than you ask, I’m 46 and disabled. I live with my mom who is 73 and works 50+ hrs a week and my 2 nieces (10 & 4) live here part time and we not only have messy rooms here…Our entire house is a mess. No matter how hard we try the house stays wrecked. We clean and in what seems like 5 minutes the house is destroyed again. I have trouble picking things up, my mom’s never home and when my nieces are here they are either doing school through Florida Virtual School or heading off to dance class.. We just have so little time to clean.
I am applying for a “Canine Companion for Independence” and have to send in pictures of the house but it’s such a mess right now I know I would be turned down.
I know we’re outside you demographic but if you could please consider us and help us out I would be forever in your debt.
PLEASE, PLEASE choose me as one of the people you help.
Mu excuse for my room is due to the amount of times I have moved. I’m 23 and have moved more than my age. I don’t believe I am a hoarder I just have lots of things that I need to organize but never have time.
My room is so messy I get embarrassed whenever folks come over
My room is kinda terible at all times, even when I’m not in it..somehow. This would defiantly be me I’m 18 and think this would be quite fun.
i know im 11 but my room really is messy check under my bed my cousin who i share a room with is really annoyed like my mom really yelled at me because my dog made messes and i didnt clean it my sister said theres a portal under my bed that sucks everything in. iM SCARED TO CLEAN IT MYSELF BUT IT REALLY IS MESSY. just reply to me i’ll show you a picture of my room.
I am 12 yes 12 not 18 and up I love mtv and mtv2 I would love to be on mtv my room really messy I have messed up bed hasn’t been made unless someone does it for me I have trash in my drawers and I can’t walk in my walk in closet without stepping on Legos or blankets or trash etc.
Hi my name is Pearl. Ive realized this was for 18 and up. If you have any role for a 12 year old well I would love to play it! Yes, I am 12 years old but many people say I look 15. I am loving the MTv’s shows and would love to play in any of them. If I had to choose one it would be Teen Wolf. I know alot about Teen Wolf and would love to play a role in it. I do have experience in acting. In fact for my first audition I got excepted but couldn’t make it to the second audition meeting. I love acting and will try to make my dream come true! I also like making videos like YouTube videos.
Age: 12 (look 15 as people say)
Height: 4’8 feet
Weight: about 108
Language: Fluent French and English
Hair: Different shades of brown (natural)
Eyes: Blue-Aqua
Skin: White tan
Sex: Female
Comment: I like to act, film, and surf. When it comes to auditions I get serious but I will always play myself! I have an identical twin sister.
Being a part of MTV’s Teen Wolf would be amzing. I will not stop pursing my passion of acting until I have reached my ultimate goal. To be starred on my favorite television show wouldn’t even be a miracle because I know I can belong there. I want to join the adventure and mysteries that Teen Wolf brings. I want to be apart of this addicting and of course amazing show! Everyone should know that there is always a way to reach what is wanted if there is drive and determination within the heart. Please pick me to become apart of MTV’s Teen Wolf. You won’t regret it.
Please let me know!
My best friend Shelly needs a room makeover I love her ,but she is a bit of a slob her room smells like old socks and food she has clothes EVERYWHERE, her only problem is that she thinks it’s okay to live like this please help. Thank you.
I am 12. Very familiar with MTv. I am addicting to the Mtv’s Teen Wolf! I know its 18 and up but am willing to be apart of Mtv!
i am 21 .
height 5’9
want to work with you
i am in the united states marine corps reserve and for the life of me no matter what the military has taught me i live like a slob i need help and this may be my best chance
Pick my mom.
iam.a hiphop urban cramping lookinpoping and urban tyup dancer
I am a mom working 70+ hours a week in an inner city school and taking classes for which I study 30+ hours a week. Needles to say, there is not any time for organizing, at least until my studies have come to an end. When a flood destroyed our basement, all of my 18 year old daughter’s ‘stuff’ went upstairs with the decree that she clean it up. Well, it is a year later and the ‘stuff’ has overflowed from her room, into the hallway, made a right into her bathroom, and continued to the extra bedroom. I cannot get in any room upstairs to retrieve my summer clothes and the requests I make go unheeded. That’s my story and I am sticking to it. Ellie of Michigan
My dream modeling
hi, my kids hardly clean their rooms. I ask them everytime but it never happens help.
my room is so messy, my glass milk under my bed(for over 1-2yrs) is now a Popsicle